The Chengdu World University Games has not only attracted the attention of sports enthusiasts worldwide but also transformed Chengdu into a popular tourist destination. Data shows that Guangzhou is one of the top sources of tourists who visited Chengdu during the Universiade. Both Guangzhou and Chengdu are renowned for their sports events and share similarities when it comes to unique urban resources, such as their beloved giant pandas. For those Cantonese who couldn"t travel to Sichuan and Chongqing during the Universiade, experiencing the cultural, tourism, and leisure atmosphere in Old Guangzhou, which resonates with both Guangzhou and Chengdu, can be a great alternative.
成都大运会不仅吸引了全球体育迷的目光,也让举办地成都成为了旅游者的打卡地。数据显示,广州是大运会期间前往成都旅游的热门客源地之一。广州与成都同为赛事名城,从各自拥有的明星大熊猫论起,两地在城市资源特色方面,也有诸多相似之处。对于不能在大运会期间前往川渝游玩的“老广”来说,在羊城感受与蓉城同频共振的文旅休闲风貌,也不失为另一种选择。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
文、视频剪辑丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 刘星彤 实习生 苏梓涵视频素材丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 邓勃(部分由景区提供)来源丨羊城晚报·羊城派责编丨古司祺